“It’s better to be killed today than to fail a mission...” – these words are the best way to sum up Gordov as a commander and a person.
Gordov began his career during the Russian Empire and used his extensive knowledge in numerous operations against the White Movement during the Civil War, during which he took part in the elimination of Makhno’s troops.
He began World War II as a major general and commander of the 21st Army. He took part in the defence of Gomel and the Red Army’s Winter Campaign counterattack in 1941-1942. He later took command of the 33rd Army, which he led in the Rzhev-Vyasma, Smolensk, Orsha, and Vitebsk offensive operations.
But it was in the Upper Silesian Offensive that Gordov showed his best performance. His army, spearheading the main attack, broke through the German defensive lines and defeated the enemy near the town of Kielce.
In April-May 1945 the 3rd Guards Army, commanded by Gordov, took part in the Berlin and Prague offensives. His skilled leadership, courage, and heroism were recognized with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
In spite of his bad temper and “obscene” commanding style, his authority with his subordinates was unchallenged, thanks to his personal courage and vast experience. Gordov prefers rapid aggressive advance tactics with the use of smoke screens after timely reconnaissance of the enemy’s positions.
Large Smoke ScreenPrevents attacks within a certain range.Large Smoke Screen: Supply Points required: less by 1
Paratrooper SquadA squad of assault paratroopers will land in a random location on the map.Paratrooper Squad: Supply Points required: less by 2
Staff TacticianInforming officers about obstacles in the area in advance allows you to significantly increase the movement speed of assault infantry and medium/light tanks.Medium Tank, Light Tank, Assault Infantry: +2 Movement speed; -20% Chance to hit the unit
Only ForwardCrews of light vehicles and light/medium tanks under this commander are accustomed to emergency repairs of their aiming systems and track assemblies. Supplying light and medium tanks with high-quality shells increases the damage they deal and their armour-piercing ability.Light Vehicle, Medium Tank, Light Tank: +20% Armour penetrationMedium Tank, Light Tank: +20% Damage to infantry, Damage to vehicles; -4 Repair duration
Shoot and RunThis commander is well aware of the specifics of using anti-tank squads, namely sudden salvos and immediate retreats from the engagement area. The rate of fire and movement speed of anti-tank infantry are increased.Anti-Tank Infantry: +2 Movement speed; -40% Reload time
SaboteurThe commander's attentive approach to combat engineering allows you to increase the killing power of mines.Anti-Personnel Mines: +50% Damage to infantryAnti-Tank Mines: +50% Damage to vehiclesAnti-Tank Mines, Anti-Personnel Mines: -20 Tracking range
Team BuildingDug-in anti-tank rifle crews deliver more accurate fire due to the cohesion they have learned in previous battles.Anti-Tank Rifle: -40% Reload time; +50% Damage to vehicles
Blitz DefenceDeep insight into the principles of anti-tank weapons allows this commander to use anti-tank guns with maximum effectiveness: their shooting range is longer, and accurate shots have a chance of disabling enemy guns.Anti-Tank Gun: +20% Chance to jam weapon; +15 Shot range