Ivan Nikolayevich Banov was the son of a peasant family. Before World War II began, he completed two years of agricultural school and then military infantry school.
When the war came to his motherland, he attacked the enemy’s rear, organizing several isolated partisan squads and later uniting them into a large battle group.
In Belarus and Poland, the partisan fighters under Major Banov’s command decimated one enemy garrison after another, destroyed hundreds of troop trains and dozens of train bridges, and accumulated a large amount of priceless intelligence.
In 1942, Ivan “Chorny” (“Black”) personally directed raids on German forces.
“Chorny’s scouts,” wrote L. K. Bekrenev, one of the leaders of the Soviets’ military reconnaissance division, “were the first to report on the new tanks and self-propelled vehicles heading towards the Eastern Front: the Tiger, the Panzer, and the Ferdinand. They relayed tactical and technical information about them and observed them as they made their way towards the key areas of the Front.”
For his service, Ivan Banov received many awards, including the Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and Gold Star medal.
Banov’s partisan fighting experience taught him to rely on tactics and skill rather than strength and numbers. In offensive situations, he relies on snipers, light vehicles, and anti-tank artillery, supported by infantry and assault infantry. When defending, he relies on light and mobile squads with anti-tank rifles, mortars, and anti-tank guns.
Paratrooper SquadA squad of assault paratroopers will land in a random location on the map.Paratrooper Squad: Supply Points required: less by 2
Large Smoke ScreenPrevents attacks within a certain range.Large Smoke Screen: Supply Points required: less by 1
Competent ScoutNew binoculars and corrected firing tables increase the sight and hitting range of snipers and light vehicles.Light Vehicle, Infantry: +12 Sight rangeLight Vehicle: +10 Shot rangeInfantry: +10 Shot range
ForeknowerEarly area reconnaissance allows light vehicles and tank destroyers to move with increased speed.Tank Destroyer, Light Vehicle: +2 Movement speed
Explosive BehaviourThe Commander orders the delivery of ammo using a new method to pack explosive materials. These increase the damage from tank destroyers and light vehicles. When exploding, tank destroyer shells can temporarily blind enemies.Tank Destroyer: +25% Damage to infantry, Damage to vehicles; +25% Chance to damage opticsLight Vehicle: +25% Damage to infantry, Damage to vehicles
Master of CamouflageCompetent use of the terrain allows this general to effectively hide mortars, AT guns, and AT rifles from enemy scouts.Anti-Tank Rifle: -20 Tracking rangeAnti-Tank Gun: -20 Tracking rangeMortar: -20 Tracking range
A Heavy GiftModified mortar and anti-tank gun shells are more likely to contuse enemy troops and vehicle crews.Mortar: +20% Chance to stunAnti-Tank Gun: +20% Chance to stun
Preventive FireIntelligence data on enemy movements helps anti-tank gun and mortar crews to better home in on their targets, which is greatly conducive to dealing maximum damage.Mortar: +25% Damage to infantry, Damage to vehiclesAnti-Tank Gun: +25% Damage to infantry, Damage to vehicles