available only in Strategic Edition
One of the most controversial US generals of World War II, Patton was notable not only for his talent of a military leader but also for his humour: he referred to himself as a "half-assed general" because of his battle wound to the buttocks and used to proudly show it to his comrades in arms. He was a close friend of Dwight Eisenhower.
Patton’s career was linked to tanks before World War I even began, and he became one of the most outspoken proponents of the development of tank technology in the USA after that war and till the end of his life. In World War II, he participated actively in combat operations in France, North Africa, Sicily, and Germany.
Patton was considered a tough commander who drove hard the units entrusted to him. For example, Patton ordered every man under his command in the African campaign, even civilians in working clothes, to wear steel helmets. His troops had to dress in unpopular trousers and neckties. Every man was to shave daily and keep his uniform in proper shape. That’s when Patton was nicknamed “Old Blood and Guts.” This approach whipped the divisions under him into shape and increased their effectiveness, even if they failed to increase his popularity with the troops.
Once, during the African campaign, General Patton learned that one of his division’s staff had a defensive trench dug so they could take refuge inside during air raids. He was so furious that he urinated in the trench dug for the division’s commander. This unusual measure prevented complete loss of control over the division should an air raid occur.
Though he was not the easiest to get along with, it is impossible to overlook that fact that Patton was an excellent commander. In their obituary for him, the New York Times wrote: “Gen. George Smith Patton Jr. was one of the most brilliant soldiers in American history . . . Nazi generals admitted that of all American field commanders he was the one they most feared.” General Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt called Patton the Allies’ best general. His talent was clearly seen not only in Africa but also in Normandy, Lorraine, and the Ardennes.
The M46 Patton, a medium tank produced in the second half of the 1940s, was named in his honour, as were the M47, M48, and MBT M60.
This commander pays special attention to the training and discipline of his troops, as well as the armour on his medium tanks and tank destroyers. When attacking, he uses scouts, engineers, and tank reinforcements. When defending, he relies on AT rifle crews, mortars, and AA guns.
Large Smoke ScreenPrevents attacks within a certain range.Large Smoke Screen: Supply Points required: less by 1
Howitzer BarrageSeveral heavy shells that deal serious damage to all enemy units.Howitzer Barrage: Supply Points required: less by 1
ImpenetrableLight and medium tanks, as well as tank destroyers, have extra layers of armour plating.Medium Tank, Light Tank, Tank Destroyer: +15% ArmourHeavy Tank: +30% Construction Quality (Vehicles) / Endurance (Infantry)
Full Combat AlertThanks to incessant drilling, assault infantry and heavy tanks move faster on the battlefield.Heavy Tank, Assault Infantry: +2 Movement speed
"When in Doubt, Attack!"A natural born warrior, Patton knows how to achieve maximum effectiveness from each unit type. Medium and light tanks fire more accurately, with a chance of stunning the enemy, while heavy tanks fire faster and light vehicles deal considerably more damage to infantry.Heavy Tank: -40% Reload timeMedium Tank, Light Tank: +20% Chance to stunLight Vehicle: +25% Damage to infantry
Fan of AmbushThe commander's strict control over the equipment in fortified areas increases the stealth and survivability of anti-tank rifle crews.Anti-Tank Rifle: -20 Tracking range; +30% Construction Quality (Vehicles) / Endurance (Infantry)
Design ImprovementsThis Commander orders the delivery of mortars with improved carriages and barrels. Their rate of fire and attack range are increased.Mortar: +12 Shot range; -40% Reload time
Nothing Will Get ThroughLarge-calibre AA guns with increased shooting range are now available.Anti-Aircraft Gun: +12 Shot range