Mikhail Stepanovich Shumilov had an exemplary a military career. Born into a peasant family, he took part in World War I, Civil Wars in Russia and Spain, and the Winter War.
At the beginning of World War II, Shumilov organized a staunch defence in the Northeast, slowing down the enemy advance in the Baltics and near Leningrad.
After being appointed commander of the 64th Army, he used tanks and artillery to successfully delay the enemy for about a month near Stalingrad. In 1943, Shumilov interrogated the captive Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus. In October 1943, for the courage and heroism displayed in his skilled leadership of his troops during the forced crossing of the Dnieper, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Gold Star medal and the Order of Lenin.
Trying to avoid unnecessary casualties, Shumilov uses formations of machine gunners and tank destroyers, clearing the way for them with accurate artillery fire from howitzers and mortars. Never acting in haste, this commander strives to gain a tactical advantage with minimum casualties.
Howitzer BarrageSeveral heavy shells that deal serious damage to all enemy units.Howitzer Barrage: Supply Points required: less by 1
Attack AircraftRequest an attack aircraft to attack targets in specified area.Attack Aircraft: Supply Points required: less by 3
Storm of LeadThe well-coordinated actions of the gunner and the loader significantly increase the rate of fire and the shooting range of machine gun crews.Machine Gunners: +10 Shot range; -40% Reload time
Reliable SoldiersExperienced tank destroyer gunners are trained to deliver effective fire against group targets. The explosion radius and damage of their shots are increased.Tank Destroyer: +25% Damage to infantry, Damage to vehicles; +4 Fragmentation radius
BallisticianThe skilful selection of coordinates for MLRS fire results in an extremely high chance of damaging the movement and aiming systems of enemy armoured vehicles.Rocket Artillery: +10% Chance to jam weapon, Chance to damage tracks
Wall of FireThe commander takes extra measures to improve the combat effectiveness of machine gun bunkers. The shooting range and damage dealt by all guns are increased.MG Nest: +15 Shot range; +25% Damage to infantry, Damage to vehicles
Our AgentsThe commander gains the locals' confidence and receives more accurate information on the area, which increases the effective shooting range of mortars and the chance of stunning the enemy.Mortar: +20% Chance to stun; +15 Shot range
Succeed in NumbersAn extra loader is assigned to AA gun crews, increasing their rate of fire.Anti-Aircraft Gun: -40% Reload time