Others described the British Officer Kenneth Strong as a man with “an explosive laugh [and] an appreciation of the wisecrack.” He graduated from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and began his service with the 1st Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers as an Intelligence Officer.
After additional training as an interpreter, he served in the British Army of the Rhine in Germany. Later, he was posted to Malta and Gibraltar, where he served as a Defence Security Officer. In 1935, he returned to Germany as a member of the German Section of British Intelligence branch MI14. He was appointed the Head of this section shortly before the Invasion of Poland.
Strong helped coordinate with the French resistance and helped bring about the fall of Mussolini’s regime in Italy. In 1941, he became the commander of the 4th/5th Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers. Then, in 1943, he was appointed Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence to General Eisenhower.
A joker and laugher in life, in his military service Strong was a strategist who prized intelligence and subversive activity in enemy territory. For his lightning-fast offensive manoeuvres, he uses snipers, light vehicles, and anti-tank artillery, supported by infantry and assault infantry. He covers these troops with mobile squads with antitank rifles, mortars, and antitank guns. He always holds tanks in reserve and liberally uses incendiary shells and smoke screens.
Paratrooper SquadA squad of assault paratroopers will land in a random location on the map.Paratrooper Squad: Supply Points required: less by 2
Large Smoke ScreenPrevents attacks within a certain range.Large Smoke Screen: Supply Points required: less by 1
Competent ScoutNew binoculars and corrected firing tables increase the sight and hitting range of snipers and light vehicles.Light Vehicle, Infantry: +12 Sight rangeLight Vehicle: +10 Shot rangeInfantry: +10 Shot range
ForeknowerEarly area reconnaissance allows light vehicles and tank destroyers to move with increased speed.Tank Destroyer, Light Vehicle: +2 Movement speed
Explosive BehaviourThe Commander orders the delivery of ammo using a new method to pack explosive materials. These increase the damage from tank destroyers and light vehicles. When exploding, tank destroyer shells can temporarily blind enemies.Tank Destroyer: +25% Damage to infantry, Damage to vehicles; +25% Chance to damage opticsLight Vehicle: +25% Damage to infantry, Damage to vehicles
Master of CamouflageCompetent use of the terrain allows this general to effectively hide mortars, AT guns, and AT rifles from enemy scouts.Anti-Tank Rifle: -20 Tracking rangeAnti-Tank Gun: -20 Tracking rangeMortar: -20 Tracking range
A Heavy GiftModified mortar and anti-tank gun shells are more likely to contuse enemy troops and vehicle crews.Mortar: +20% Chance to stunAnti-Tank Gun: +20% Chance to stun
Preventive FireIntelligence data on enemy movements helps anti-tank gun and mortar crews to better home in on their targets, which is greatly conducive to dealing maximum damage.Mortar: +25% Damage to infantry, Damage to vehiclesAnti-Tank Gun: +25% Damage to infantry, Damage to vehicles